I was ordained a deacon on October 19, 2019 and have been married to my wife, Diane for more than 35 years. We have two adult children. Our daughter is a doctor of Physical Therapy and our son works for California State Parks. I am a licensed clinical social worker and retired from my employment at Kaiser Permanente where I worked for over 31 years.
Throughout my life I can see how God has prepared me to serve as a deacon. I was an altar boy as a youth. I was in the seminary for 5 years. I was a religious education instructor, youth minister and music minister. As a social worker, I helped prepare couples for marriage and as a psychotherapist I specialized in the treatment of children, families and couples. Currently, I am a Fourth Degree Knight of Columbus and a Cursillista.
A turning point in my life was meeting my wife, Diane, who has become the love of my life and a perfect partner. We always believed that the key to marital success is to keep Christ at the center of our life together. Although married life is not always easy, with Christ at the center, anything is possible.
As deacons, we are called to a ministry of service… to serve and to proclaim the Gospel by our actions… “To bring the grace of the altar to the streets and the needs of the streets to the altar.”… to be heralds of the Gospel of Christ… “to believe what we read, teach what we believe and practice what we teach.” It is my joy to be here serving the people of St. Joseph Placentia.
It is my hope, by the grace of God, that my ministry to you will be true to the calling for which I have been chosen.