I am humbled to be serving as a Deacon for the community of St Joseph. This has been our home parish for over 35 years and we treasure the relationships we have built here during that time.
I am from a small northeast Iowa town part of a large catholic family. Most family members were farmers and I enjoyed growing up in that environment. After High School and a short period in college, I enlisted in the Air Force and spent three years in Germany. Upon completion of that commitment I felt the urge to travel and came to California with the intention of staying only about a week. I was encouraged to stay by an aunt and uncle, found employment and met my wife Teri (a fifth-generation Californian).
Teri and I started our married life in 1975 in South Pasadena, Alhambra and Temple City before moving the Placentia in 1986. Our priority was to find a church home and we are pleased to have been members of St Joseph since our relocation.
We have four adult daughters, three are married and we have five grandchildren. Our daughters are living in three different states and we are blessed to be able to travel to be with them at various times during the year.
Both Teri and I have been active in parish ministry since becoming members of St Joseph. Teri served as Coordinator of the English Faith Formation for children in pre-school through 5 th grade for 12 years. We have been involved in Children’s Faith Formation, Youth Ministry, RCIA, Pastoral Council, and the Knights of Columbus among other ministries.
I was ordained in 2013 by Bishop Kevin Vann and assigned to St Joseph Parish. This has opened new opportunities to serve our community. I am involved in the Baptism Ministry, Marriages, Vigils and Funerals, and continue with involvement in various other ministries in the Parish. Outside the parish, I am involved with H.I.S. House, Placentia Presbyterian Church Soup Kitchen, Eucharistic Minister to the Sick at St Jude, and the Special Needs Advisory Circle for the Diocese.
I am blessed to serve here and trust that God will continue to guide all of us in our journey of faith.