If you have a relative or friend who is homebound and would like to be visited, please call and leave a message at 714-515-1176 or email [email protected]
What is the Ministry to the Sick and Homebound?
The Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion bring the comfort of Christ in the form of the Eucharist to those who cannot come to church. We bring the Church to people who cannot physically come to church. In this way, the sick and homebound are united to the Body of Christ present in our community. We continue the healing and compassionate ministry of Jesus, as members of His Body. It is always in Jesus’ Name that we visit.This is not a private but a public act of representing the Church as an institution and as a parish.Our call as Ministers to the Sick is to be present to the patients as they attempt to find God in their life situation, by listening to them. Christian presence is the gift we bring to the sick. Confidentiality, respect of the patient, and acceptance of them for whom and where they are, are the gifts inherent in this presence.
What is required to become part of this ministry?
This ministry provides training and the new minister is also mentored by an experienced Minister to the Sick. Ministers must get fingerprinted and complete safe environment training.The minister needs to be a baptized Catholic and a member of St. Joseph Church who participates in weekly mass, communion services, and personal prayer.He/she practices the art of listening and understanding with the attitude of love and respect when they visit.
What is the time commitment?
This varies as determined according to the needs and schedule of the ones visited and the minister.
If you are interested in becoming a minister to the sick and homebound, contact: