Click here to view ourMass Intention Policy 2025
Mass Intention Book for 2025 opens December 2nd.________________
Monday 2/17
Teodolo & Gilberto Galvan -RIP
Tuesday 2/18
Francis Chau -RIP
Wednesday 2/19
Lalo Palafox -RIP
Thursday 2/20
Claudia Lopez -SpInt
Friday 2/21
Deborah Blanks -RIP
Saturday 2/22
Mario Baltazar Sr. -RIP
In the kindness of your prayers, please remember those who are in need of your prayers:
Jayleen Cross
Joseph Zavala Jr.
Ken Santucci
Emmanuel Rios
The Maciaga Family
Flor Raya
Rosa Sandoval
Amalia Calderon
Sue Gary
Enoch Negrete
Daisy M. Viramontes
Stacy Maguire
Heal your servants, O Lord,
who are sick, and who put their trust in you.
Send them help, O Lord,
and comfort them from your holy place.
O almighty and everlasting God,
hear us on behalf of your servants who are sick;
for whom we humbly beg the help of your mercy;
that, their health being restored to them,
they may render thanks to you.
In the kindness of your prayers, please remember our most recently deceased:
Alexis Jimenez
Joe Raya
Manuel Huerta Lopez
Francis Wunderlich
George Sams
Amelia Jauriqui
Joan Armstrong
Erica Sanchez
Thuong Nguyen
Flor Raya
Doris Marie Doherty
Cirilo Bailon
Justina Gloriani
Maria Binauhan
Frank Monnig
Julia Andrade Lozoya
Raul Batrez
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.